Our clients say as much about us, as we do about them.
Like any great story, characters are important to any plot. They carry the story and propel the story. This is just as true for business as it is in a fictional landscape. Long standing relationships are a key indication of the health of our business. We believe it’s the way you conduct yourself and the long term game that matters – we don’t sweat the little things.
Currently, Wildfire’s main business is OMC international. A specialised maritime engineering firm dealing with Under Keel Clearance, an e-Navigation Technology supporting mainly Australian Ports. This multi-million dollar company deals with multi-billion dollar exports of iron ore and has a good international presence as well. Wildfire prides itself on it’s ability to do late night production, fast turnaround projects, simple research animatics. The day-to-day clients are a range of smaller local businesses with a variety of needs. Wildfire bring the big brand experience to these smaller clients and there is a lot of account service and advertising brand mentoring that comes with our service.
All this production work has seen Wildfire continue developing it’s skills in brochures and advertising materials, but also develop it’s proficiency in Website design, Social media and Online marketing, research projects and Television production. There’s never a dull day in studio.
Wildfire Productions, has had many previous business names over the years. Although, Myke Mollard has serviced professionally and freelanced on many accounts. Below are just a taste of the calibre of the different brands and projects Myke has had the pleasure of working on.
This retrospective collection of clients logos is just a example of Myke’s work and Wildfire’s experience, adaptability and versatility.
Myke’s role has always been different. Working internally with a client as a Creative Director, working as a lead creative for smaller boutique Agencies. Freelancing or employed as an Art Director, Account Service, Senior Designer, Mac Operator, storyboard artist, illustrator or just a Designer for a number of larger agencies.
Myke has had a wonderful journey and loads of experience over the years. He has worked on; Client presentations, Brand essence and positioning pitches, been involved in research, agency pitches, single once-off design projects and many creative things in between.
In the beginning, Myke specialised in fast turnaround, monthly retail advertising. Working on “Brashs” got him his start and from catalogue and Newspaper design and direction he got the opportunity to work on retail advertising Television commercials early in his career. There was a lot of story boarding TV commercials, directing TVC’s, overseeing 3D animation projects, sketching and art directing retail catalogues to publish, supporting other creatives within the agency, designing side projects while within an agency environment. The best part of it was the diversity of brands and approaching each design with different strategies and following different guidelines and styleguides.
It’s not just the brands and large clients, Myke Mollard, has worked in the advertising industry since the early 90’s and his experience and grounding is firmly based in strategic thinking and branding communication. His friendships with mentors and associates go back more than 26 years and he still keeps in touch with these keen minds from time to time. Wildfire would like to pay it’s respects to the companies that made Myke the highly creative soul he is today.