Executive Profile



Creative Director + Agency Principal + Author + Illustrator + Kids Presenter + Educator.

Let me draw you a picture.

My name is Myke Mollard, and for the past 26 years through the fusion of ideas, words and images, I have produced a stack of creative work. Some pieces of work you may have seen, other brands you will be familiar with. Over the years some of my campaigns have proven ground breaking, but I believe all are driven by originality and are graphic strong. The reason for this strength, is not in my years of experience or my ability to think outside the square – it comes from my innate abilities as a creative and illustrator, as well as being a passionate artisan to the advertising craft. Below is a snapshot showcasing the depth and breadth of my career. This entire website is a folio which hopefully paints more than just a pretty picture – I believe it tells a great story.

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Folio Snapshot – 26 years directing advertising, publishing and design.


From Magazines to Books, Advertising in all media to corporate and logo design, from writing to illustration – It’s all creative.

Their is strength in passion, but their is better strength in experience. The best test of design strength is in its application across mediums. My strength lies in the many different disciplines and training he has had along the way.

I was trained at RMIT as a problem solver and ideas man. Trained as an advertising creative to tackle not just design problems, but business strategy and solutions to communications, branding, positioning, marketing and the campaign-ability of ideas to generate product extensions.

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Magazine Metropolitan Style.

I was formally invited to be the creative director and talent behind a fledgling Men’s Magazine Metropolitan Style. This had me starting out in magazine and editorial publishing for close to two years.

Then I jumped across to Australia’s leading agency, George Patterson Bates and was one of ADTOWN’s first art directors winning the “Brashs” account. With “Brashs” he quickly adapted to his passion of working on TV commercials and created some ground breaking Television with Fysh Rutherford and Ken Gray. In these years with GPB and ADTOWN I worked, in part, on a myriad of accounts like “Kmart”, “Myer” and “Ansett”.


Ansett and Myer – Just a few side projects, while at George Patterson Bates and ADTOWN.
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Brashs – These catalogues were the hottest gig in ADTOWN in there day.


This was the fast paced world of retail advertising and his magazine experience, TV commercials and ‘client-facing’ pitching experience allowed him a smooth transition to Grey Worldwide to work primarily on “Retravision” and “Mitre10”. Again there were many more accounts I applied myself on at Grey Group and in the end he eventually moved to freelance, which continued for many years.

Eventually, I took up a senior design/creative position with Lorraine Lea Linen, and helped them develop a huge range of corporate stationery and party plan marketing tools. Also working on audio visual tasks like DVD production, Annual Events and Conferences, a TV commercial and devising uniquely designed tools for the sales force to deliver their message better.


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Lorraine Lea Linen – A selection of Catalogues and Monthly Promotional Flyers.


After Lorraine Lea Linen I freelanced again and took on book publishing in the hardest area to break into – Children’s Books. In 2009, only two years in, I became the bestselling author of “An A-Z of Australian Bush creatures” and had three books in print. Although, I went back to Advertising, on top of illustrating, as a Creative Director of Plutonium and then moving to Advertising Associates. I continued to publish books, became apart time educator and presenter of “How-to-draw” classes in local schools, and for 10 years developed and helped my publisher Alto Books bring both his own titles, as well as designing, typesetting and bringing many other books and novels to market.


An A-Z of Australian Bush Creatures – See Wildfire’s Publishing pages for more stunning work.


I started Wildfire Productions to harness all my talents and pursue creativity as a whole. It’s been a mighty journey that proves I can work and manage accounts both big and small. But really I believe my adaptability to any type of creative is key to my accomplishments. Whether; design in advertising, magazines, retail, corporate, publishing, presenting and education, as well as being successful author and illustrator. It shows not just strength of persistence, but demonstrates the dexterity of talent. That ability to win the hearts and minds of clients, an audience and mainstream markets through clever ideas, stories and quality design skills as an expert visual communicator.

Advertising has taught me that “perception is a very powerful tool”. It can transcend mindsets, change behaviours, move markets and create new ground. Nothing is certain, but I understand how to create ‘certainty of outcomes’ with my designs and bring a personal passionate approach to branding, positioning, design and ‘Storyscaping’.


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